AT GROW: Johnson County, we are working toward a just food system.
Our mission is to improve healthy food access through SUSTAINABLE food production and hands-on education.
Grow: Johnson County acknowledges the systemic oppression of people of color in this country. We are committed to centering racial justice and social equity in our ongoing efforts as a program and within Johnson County. Through collaborative, intentional, and actionable efforts we are working alongside Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) in exploring our relationships with food, land, and agriculture. We will lend our skills, resources, and voice to work toward a future of equity, justice, redistributed power, and shared leadership.
Our daily work on the farm and in the community is to be listeners, learners, unlearners, and active partners in the movement toward food sovereignty. We do this work so that we all may have the ability to shape the food systems that impact us where we live, work, learn, and play. It is our vision that everyone can access and grow healthy, culturally relevant food.